Sex School Basic Sex Education Bundle – 3 Videos



The Sex Education you wish you had.
Uncensored and fun videos by real sex professionals. No condoms on bananas here.

SexSchool is seeking to grow sexuality from explicit content to lifestyle education. Sex may be what we offer, but we are expanding the parameters of SEX to include our idea of PLEASURE BEYOND ORGASM. This idea encapsulates multiple lifestyle components that can be seen in our sex lives. We navigate sexual space by creating „how to“ content that combines reality and pleasure.

SexSchool’s content breaks down the falsehoods, misconceptions and inaccuracies resulting from mainstream ideas in our environments. Our content targets an audience seeking to invest in themselves.




A key practice for healthy sex and relationships everyone should know about.
Sadie Lune explores what consent is, why is it so important for healthy sex and
relationships as well as the different forms in which consent can be granted or

Sexual Health:
Explore the many layers of sexual health and its most important aspects.
Sexual health is a broad topic that expands beyond the use of condoms. Parker Marx
addresses the different dimensions of health and emphasizes the more important
aspects that should be taken into account.

Common questions about sexual identities and advice for social situations.
What’s the difference between gender identity and gender expression? How does sexual
orientation work? Bishop and Lina answer the most common questions surrounding
sexual identities and offer advice for social situations.


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